Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly and witness boldly!

Why Solid Rock?

We are a Christ-centered, Bible-based ministry seeking, through prayer and action, to build the body of Christ in the world. We are not perfect, nor do we have all of the answers – but together, we seek to follow the One who is perfect and who has all of the answers – Jesus Christ!

Pastor Kevin Coleman

Hello! I’m a servant pastor who loves nothing more than helping others! I have been pastoring for over 33 years, living my life according to God’s word. I enjoy spending time with family, golfing and spreading the gospel.

Welcome to our church family!

Meet our youth group!

Hey there! We would love for you to consider joining our youth group! We know the importance of helping others, and that’s just what we do – while also having fun! We have held fundraisers that have helped our youth group go on trips to the Ark Encounter, the Creation Museum and even King’s Island! We hope you will consider becoming one of our youth!